The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee has taken this initiative of setting up these pathasathi housing units or motels all over the state and also along the National Highways. The name ‘Pathasathi’ has been given to these motels or guest houses as these are made with the motive of accompanying every traveller on the way. Pathasathi in Bengal has now spread across almost all the districts. No matter where is the the traveller and on which road, he or she will find a comfortable place to stay in for sure now. Each of these guest houses or motels have clean and hygienic toilets, cozy rooms along with place to have your foods. The West Bengal State Housing Department has made it all possible. The Department is also planning to set up some more such places to stay in the near future.
These motels are mainly run by the women who belong to the Self-Help Groups that is the SHG. They have helped every potential woman to become self-reliant financially. The breakfast and dinner available in these motels are prepared by the women who look after the place. Each and every room of these Pathasathi housing units are quite spacious and also have attached toilets. Both air-conditioned as well the non-AC rooms are available here. One can opt for any of these as per the preference, and the budget. Though the charges of both the AC and the non-AC rooms are quite affordable yet the charge of the AC rooms are just a little more than the non-AC ones.
Ever since, the Chief Minister of Bengal, Mamata Banerjee started to visit the districts of the state frequently as the leader of the Opposition, after the foundation of Trinamool Congress in the year 1998, she found that there are scarcity of toilets and rest rooms. This was a major problem for the travellers and especially the females who travel along the National Highways and the main roads. So, after she came into power in the year 2011, she finally sanctioned this project of Pathasathi in Kolkata and all the other districts of the state.
After he state upgradation and the renovation of the National Highways, more number of people started travelling to different places by roads. Many luxury resorts have been set up on the way where people can stay and spend their holidays or weekends. With the rise in the number of people travelling by road, the requirement of shelters or housing units along with clean toilets and places to have food have also shoot up. Hence, this project of Pathasathi has been one of the major successes in the state. In most of the places, these motels are always found to have full bookings.
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